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Showing posts from October, 2016

First impressions

The problem with first impressions isn't that they're not important (They are important! They're crucial!) but that we have no idea at all when first impression is going to occur. Not the first contact, but the first impression. That's why authenticity matters. Seth Godin "All Marketers are Storytellers" Ben Moore


I guess this is a secret superpower of the PR person — they absorb all the rejection for you, and pass along the successes. You hear nothing about the non-responses, you only hear about the hits. -- Josh Bernoff -- Fanny Rascle


Lasen ennast kanda uudishimul ja eks paistab, kuhu see mind viib. As Steve Jobs said, “   You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. " Jakub Kapusnak


Before you’re a storyteller, you’re a detective. - Jann Sabin - Photo by  Bing Han  on  Unsplash