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Showing posts from May, 2016

Enne ja pärast

enne... ja pärast...

Everything is marketing

Marketing is not a department Every time you answer the phone, it's marketing. Every time you send an e-mail, it's marketing. Every time someone uses your product, it's marketing. Every word you write on your Web site is marketing. If you build software, every error message is marketing. If you're in restaurant business, the after-dinner mint is marketing. If you're in retail business, the checkout counter is marketing. If you're in a service business, your invoice is marketing. Marketing isn't just a few individual events. Its the sum total of everything you do. Rework by Jason Fried

Märkmeid 2011. aastast

Suurpuhastuse käigus leidsin mitmeid vanu kalendermärkmikke, mille vahele olin erinevate mõtete ja märgetega post-it'eid kleepinud. Kirjutan märkmete säilitamise eesmärgil need siia üles. -- strenghts: töökas, põhjalik, aus, õpihimuline, sõbralik, kohusetundlik, hea planeerija weeknesses: naiivne, puudub kogemus läbirääkimistes, puudub juhtimiskogemus, ei märka detaile, ootamatute olukordadega hakkama saamine -- Aasta kokkuvõtte tegemiseks: I võimalus: 1. celebration what did I achieve? 2. education what are the 3 life lessons I learned last year? 3. clarification big 5 for the new year - top 5 values for the new year 4. plan 15 goals for the upcoming year 5. visualization key areas: financial, work, family, health, personal life, inner life II võimalus: aasta lööklause missioon 3 eesmärki -- je suis contente d'avoir rencontrē (11.08.11) : Stefan Einhorn "Kunst olla hea" -- cupca...

Minu ilus kodu

Tikkida on tore