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Showing posts from October, 2010

Laupäev Limoges’is täis lõhnanaudinguid

Möödunud laupäeval käisime mööda pisikesi prantsusepäraseid poode otsimas ja kogemas lõhnanaudinguid. Algas see puht juhuslikult, kui esmalt astusime armsasse ja isuäratavalt lõhnavasse boulangerie ’sse, kuhu inimesed olid tulnud laupäevahommikust bagette ’i ja võib-olla veel midagi erilist nädalavehtuse puhul ostma. Vastu suutsime panna sealsele tarte aux fraboises ’ile ainult tänu ameerikapärastele imemaitsvatele kodustele pannkookidele, mida olime hommikusöögiks söönud. Edasi liikusime aromaatsesse kohvi ja tee poodi, et minu kohviisule järele anda. Hoopis rohkem kui sealne kohvi maitses meile aga un peu épicé St. Nicolas’ tee, mida me ka endale kaasa ostsime. Edasi viis lõhnaseiklus meid üle tee jäävasse, kuid veel palju kaugemalegi tunda olevasse juustupoodi, kust saime maitsta erinevaid huvitavaid juustusorte ja kust soetasime ka ühe parima kitsejuustu, mida olen eales maitsnud. Alates vanade raamatute poest, mis oli pungil täis eriti vanasid ja eriti tolmuseid lõhnavaid r...

Misunderstood humour

P: Do you have a boyfriend? M: It's complicated P: Oh, you have a boyfriend M: Yes, 3 of them 1 week later J: M, can I ask you something personal? M: Yes J: Why do you have 3 boyfriends? M: What!? It's a joke! J: How do they agree? M: It's a joke!! I don't have 3 boyfriends. I'm single. J: Yes, but if you say that you have 3 boyfriends, all boys in workcamp say: "Oh, it's too much!" --- M: I just said to my boss that I was being late because I was having sex in the next room. D: You really said that? M: No! Of course not. ----- M: It's a sisters' week. It means I have to buy for my sister a laptop. D: What!?

time versus money

Something interesting happened to me today. My boss asked me if I was interested in having some shares of our company. My boss: peut être toi tu serais intéresser pour être directeur nominee? et commencer à prendre des % de la société? Me: mais c'est toujours interessant:P But the trick here is that I have to earn my shares. It sounds reasonable actually, why else he should be interested in this. So I either a) have to buy my shares         or     b) have to pay in work hours - it means I should work also in the evenings and in weekends As I am really not interested in doing 24/7 something I don't love, I am trying to find another solution. Time is money. And all of my time is worth more than shares in this company. Big money doesn't motivate me as much as doing something interesting and meaningful. I could only work this much for my own company or for ideas I belive in! As time is not something I could offer, I try to fi...